well well well...cant expose her age....but 2x years ago...today should be near the EDD of the gal i cherish the most!!
well...this appear to be a jargon towards many ppl...hehe...however...it juz mean!!
This is going to be the 1st birthday celebration between me and her...I cant do much...cos i am trying my best to fullfill her "我要做医生太太" dream in Sabah!!hehe...
So i make a short video for her...which I hope she did feel touch and surprise!!
And also a small parcel I sent to her 2 weeks back!!
Baby!!Juz like to wish u all da best ya!!!Must be HEALTHY, HAPPY and PRETTY alwiz o!!!Baby!!!LOVE U!!!with all I can!!!
Thanks to all people who make the video success...THANKS!!!